Magic Words that Sell

The laptop, the phone, and the magic words in my head…these are the tools of my trade. I make my income from freelance writing, and for the last couple of months, it’s been copywriting in addition to screenplays and articles. Copywriting is not the most prestigious gig in writing. Most of the time, your name doesn’t appear on your work. But it does stretch you creatively, and it’s a skill in demand. You have to describe a business to subtly sell it, appealing to the reader’s reason. “Of course, this is the best French restaurant in town. I must go. I am under the power of this awesome description….”

I’ve met some interesting people, both on the phone and in person. Most of the time, these small-business operators believe in what they’re doing; that in turn makes it easier for me to sell their product. My writing’s a business enterprise, even though I don’t have a storefront. So in a way, I’m one of them. I really enjoy meeting heads of larger businesses that have retained the vision and personal touch of a small business. 

You could call a small business the American dream, but I know that people are dreaming it all over the world. By doing their ads, I’m helping them achieve their vision. And like everything else I’m doing, this work is contributing to my own growth as an artist in some small way.

~ by elenastevenson on June 11, 2008.

3 Responses to “Magic Words that Sell”

  1. Hey Elena,

    How are you?

    Seems like you are following the Matthew Mantra of “just keep living”…to a T…haha…

    Hope you are well…how’s zee familee?

    Bored as hell…life’s gotten so boring lately…

    Hopefully this new job @ a Deli will spice it up…

    Cuz I frankly don’t care anymore…Compromise, anyone?

    Anyhow, keep livin’ the dream honey bunny…haha…

    Just make shure you do whatever it takes…to get there…

    Sometimes I guess I wished I knew where I was going…

    Cuz right now, I’m just lost…and looking for a way…Out…


  2. it’s great to discover another like minded individual. though the things we do as marketers are commercial endeavors, turning it into an art form is when you’ve transcended basic advertising and have entered the realm of inciting cultural movements.

  3. Beautifully written insight, and I fully agree, it helps develop our own growth in the industry to. Good Luck Elena

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